Sunday, October 04, 2009


Tears streaming i sit in my room as I think
My “dad” just asked me how come I no longer talk on the phone at nights.
I just walked away.

I still cannot understand how he could just walk away.
Maybe he thought it was for his good.
But how could he do that?
How could someone walk in and out of a person’s life?
Because it is for his own good?

Then what about the promises he made and the words he said
Words like
Different people if they work thing out we will stay stronger together
I can fight my parents just need you to say yes and stay with me
I will put in the effort even if you don’t
I never thought I could get you
You need to trust me we will make this work.

Were they words you said out of excitement?
Or words to have fun with me?
Or words that you never meant?

Initially I wanted you to loose weight, dress better, save money, and study harder, stop smoking.
But dude they were all for your good… I never would have left you if you never did those ..although you promised me you will do them.

Why do you walk away when I wanted you for who you are now.

Dude when I trust you why do just walk away?
When I think we can make it work …why do just walk away?
How fair can this be?
What if you build my trust over the years? Whatever for? To break it just like this?
And you say we should have broken up in Jan…is that a reason dude for acting the way you are acting now?
If we were to broken up in jan….what does all the time we shared till recently means? Nothing? You were just waiting to go…weren’t you?

Maybe you have a very valid reason…which you never bothered to tell me..but fair is it to me?

Well at least you made me realize it is possible and one could hurt someone
You made me realize words doesn mean everything
You made me realize love isn’t forever and one can just walk away
But its damn painful.
Bloody damn painful


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